Dr. Sandra
Redeemed Life
I may have it all together now, but it wasn’t always this way. The truth is, when I welcomed God into my life, I was at my lowest. He took that broken girl and REDEEMED her and now I’m here to let you know he can do the same for you as you discover His plan for your life. You’re not alone, beloved. Read my story below and you’ll see how nothing is impossible with God.
I’ve had to overcome many painful challenges in my life from childhood abuse, drug addiction, and prison. I believe it’s why I’m so passionate about helping women ARISE FROM ASHES TO BEAUTY.
Growing up, I had to endure many forms of abuse from verbal to sexual abuse. This environment led me to look for love, acceptance, and identity in the world and make many poor choices. I was in such a physically abusive relationship, one day I found myself being chased down the street in broad daylight by my kid’s father with a butcher knife in his hand. Only by the grace of God, I escaped death. He also introduced me to crack cocaine and there began my spiral downwards for many years…11 years to be exact. Drugs and alcohol were my escape from every hurt, rejection, and abuse. It numbed all the pain even if it was temporary. It was a slippery slope until one day, it consumed all of my life. I began committing criminal activity to support my drug habit which led me to earn my position at a women’s prison. My lowest moment would pave the way to the Highest. It was there I was introduced to a man named Jesus. Before then I only knew of Jesus as the baby in the manger on Christmas. But God sent a divine teacher to me in prison. She made Jesus real to me!!!
I invited Jesus into my heart and my existence was forever changed. I immediately experienced joy, love, acceptance, and freedom I had never experienced in all my life. From that day forward, I knew that there was a God and He was real! Only through Jesus Christ I am a different woman and I now embrace my past as an opportunity to speak into other women’s lives. It’s my dream to empower, encourage, and equip women everywhere to fulfill their destined roles in the kingdom of God! Now, after 17 years, I have served as Co-Founder & Co-Pastor at Total Restoration Ministries alongside the Senior Pastor. I’ve earned my Associates & Ministerial degrees from Harvest Bible University. I’ve worked with women’s shelters for over 17 years, having the opportunity to uplift and encourage broken women who desperately need to know they are loved by the One who matters most. God has FAVORED me to be His Voice and touch the lives of hundreds of women across conferences, retreats, and workshops. God has recently led me to begin a FEARLESS JOURNEY & CHALLENGE to start over again; that’s where Sandra Perez-Webster Ministries & Urban Revive Project began. I invite you to read more about my ministry so with God, I can help you arise and begin your own journey.

Sandra has shared her story and God’s word with hundreds of women at conferences, retreats, and workshops for over 17 years. She’s passionate about empowering, equipping, and encouraging women through her life-changing and relevant messages. Interested in booking Sandra? Schedule an appointment to see how she can serve your community.